Monday, June 12, 2006

How To Recruit A Super Star Sales Force

Ted Nicholas, the author of "Magic Words That Sell" once said, "Marketing mistakes are by far the primary reason businesses do not survive. This includes companies which consider themselves direct marketers as well as those who do not" .

Of course Ted is quite right make mistakes in marketing and you ll end up paying through the nose for absolutely no results. Yet companies continually make mistakes in sales and seem to be lethargic in sorting it out.

If you don't sort your sales your revenue dries up, your company whithers and dies and your're left with nothing.

Not a pretty picture is it?

Yet whilst most companies don't reach that stage they do allow poor sales staff to be recruited and used against their customers.

They waste the opportunities that marketing provides by using salespeople that have one, or more, of these traits:

  • Poor closers
  • Too aggressive
  • Passive order takers
  • Fear of phoning
  • Can't write to persuade
  • Can't present without being boring
  • Unable to build value in the service or product
  • Has poor follow-up skills
  • Can't get to top decision makers
  • Finds rejection difficult to handle
  • Poor time manager
  • Doesn't think strategically
  • Not self-disciplined

I've just written an article about how to recruit a sales super star. Part of it involves using a a 17 point Sales Super Star Self-assessment Form that I've designed and used in the battle for the best salesman.

If you'd like a copy of the article send me an email to latest at If you'd like a copy of the form send an email to form at In both cases replacing at with @.

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