Saturday, September 17, 2005

The Achievers Edge I've been a member of a club called the Achiever's Edge. It's an audio series that has been around for 7 years. Well before the podding craze started. For those who don't know it's a business audio series that's available on CD and has it's own members sites with yet more goodies. I started with it 7 years ago and each month since then I've received it through the post. What does it do? It provides me with tips and techniques on sales growth, marketing, interviews with famous people. Including Sir John Harvey Jones, Richard Bandler (co-founder of NLP) and one of my favourite marketing people Ted Nicholas. I'm setting up this blog so that I can comment on some of the stuff that comes through each month. Also at the moment if you go to Achievers Edge web site you can sign up and gets lots of goodies for just £1. Goodies include several interview downloads. The interviews are with Richard Bandler, Ted Nicholas and Robert Cialdini. Go take a look and I'll be updating the blog with a post about the audios as we go along. If you have any comments about the stuff you get let me know.


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